Key Performance Indicators of a Scrum Master

I’ve spoken a few times about how it’s difficult to tell how you’re doing as a Scrum Master. Even those that have to ‘score’ me are having trouble figuring out how to make SMART goals and how those will be judged! 

Alas, after a lot of chats – we’ve cracked it a little, so here we go. 

  • Agile Appreciation; this one includes tasks around coaching Scrum Methods to the team and those outside of it, ensuring sprint commitments are met, and that no service issues are created due to our work, my team self-manage, and that I foster an understanding of several terms in the team including MVP, emergent design etc. 
  • Team Culture; Team members not acting as a group of individuals but instead acting as a Team, Team actively coaching each other, evidence the Team wants to become/is becoming T-shaped, and a No Blame culture among others. 
  • Stakeholder Management; improve communications internally and externally, tie up the process with the Ideas Process, coaching the Product Owner and others. 
  • There’s a few stretch goals as well – one interesting one is about picking up a 2nd Scrum Team…. Intriguing. 

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