Pet Peeve

Pet Peeve’s as described as “A pet peeve or pet
hate is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly
annoying to themself, to a greater degree than others may find.“ – and I think that’s an important distinction. It’s a minor annoyance.

So without further ado, I’ve developed one since becoming a Scrum Master and it’s name is Calendar Clash.

I’ve never had to book so many meetings before in previous roles – but I’ve found that even if you book a Meeting Room, the chance of you actually securing it isn’t high – or via versa, if I book a meeting with our Product Owner, someone booking him into another meeting when he isn’t free.  On Wednesday’s one meeting room is triple booked, and yet when I checked, none of those 3 meetings still happen.

But I don’t really get it, because you can view other calendars to see if the rooms/people are free before you book your clashing meeting. So this results in me spending quite a bit of time talking to people about these, or re-arranging rooms.

Google Calendar shouldn’t let you be able to do it!


I’ll speak to our Office Manager about it and see if anything more productive can be done about it.